Available services
Assessment and Therapy/Supervision/Training/Consultancy
R&R was designed to help individuals and organisations to cope with demands unique to their work and how this can hijack functioning in life. Because of this I offer a range of products to support frontline services either to individuals directly or to an organisation employing those on the frontline.
Individual therapy​
Supervision opportunities
Both group and individual.
​Following recommended professional guidelines I offer a 90 minute monthly session.
Alternatively there are 50 and 60 minute sessions.
Supervision sessions will be from a Psychodynamic and/or Sensorimotor theory and practice perspective
Orientation of sessions will be discussed beforehand and agreed.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Case Consultation
Offered as a group or on an individual basis.​
To support learning whilst on each sensorimotor course OR
Following completion of a course to consolidate learning and application of sensorimotor psychotherapy
Bespoke Training packages designed around an organisational need and developed in collaboration with the organisation.
Reflective space run on an individual basis or with staffing teams
Staff support groups to promote well being
Organisational consultancy and support.
Please note, cost of organisational training and consultancy will be negotiated with the organisation directly.
I offer daily rates for organisations.