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The greatest act of courage is asking for help
Do you work in a frontline service? Or have done in the past?

Do you


  • Have relationship difficulties?

  • Use alcohol to excess?

  • Been tempted or used drugs?

  • Have problems sleeping and feel tired?

  • Contemplate harming yourself or committing suicide?

  • Gamble or behave recklessly?

  • Often feel restless?

  • Experience violent thoughts or rages?

  • Often think your emotions will overwhelm you?

  • Say to yourself “man up”?

  • Shut down or numb to cope?

  • Experience flashbacks?

  • See other people coping and think so should I be?

  • Have friends or relatives telling you that you have a problem?


Recovery wooden sign with a beach on bac

If you answer yes to any of these I can help you. 


R&R (restore and recover) is a treatment service aimed at those in frontline services. 


Its OK to not feel OK.


Some of the most difficult challenges are the ones linked to looking after ourselves.


Life experiences can affect our mental health.  Those in frontline services are no exception.  They must face unique occupational risks and hazards that can compromise healthy psychological functioning and require specialist services tailored to their needs.  The attributes that make a person successful in frontline roles can then place them at risk of needing specialist help.


You can be brave for your country in the work that you do, how about being brave for yourself?  Bravery comes in many forms. Do you have the courage to put your needs first?


A specialist role requires a special kind of help.


Human beings want to heal and recover.







 I am a Psychodynamic and Sensorimotor Therapist with more than 25 years experience working in frontline services.  

Traditionally the term R&R (rest and recuperation) has been associated with the military to help individuals adjust following active service.  My treatment service is an alternative approach focused on restoring a person back to full health so that they can then live a rich life and enjoy their rest periods and continue to work effectively.  Exposure to challenging work roles can compromise a person's ability to recover and mean they get left with a whole range of challenges that make it harder to live.  Something more specialist is needed and there is no shame in that. 

​© 2025 by Karen Butler for R&R Treatment Services.

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